Taggart and Hamblen/Taylor Cemeteries Association, Inc.

of Brown County, Indiana

(Founded June 1, 1991)

By - Laws

Article I - Membership and Dues

Section 1.  Membership is effective when dues or contributions have been received.

a. Life member: Anyone who has contributed $100.00 or more to the Perpetual Care Fund since 1/1/1990.

b. Regular member: Anyone who has contributed an average of $5.00 per year since 1989 to the Association or to the Perpetual Care Fund or who contributes in kind by helping on cleanup day.

Article II - Meetings

Section 1. Annual meeting of the Association shall be held on the first Saturday of June at 1:00 p.m. at the Brown County Library or at a place to be announced at least one week in advance.

Article III - Officers and Their Duties

Section 1. The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sexton. All officers shall be members of the Association and shall be elected annually by majority vote of members present at the Annual meeting. The officers shall:

a. Perform the duties outlined in these by-laws.

b. Deliver to his/her successor all official material within ten days following the Annual meeting and/or election of successor.

c. Present an annual written report at the annual meeting of the Association and file a copy with the Secretary.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, and shall be ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Board may authorize the President to sign checks.

Section 3. The Vice-President shall assist the President in organizational duties and perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve. He/she shall be responsible for arranging the location of the Annual meeting of the Association.

Section 4. The Secretary shall record and read the minutes of the previous annual meetings of the Association and previous Board of Directors meetings at their respective meetings and preserve all minutes.

Section 5. The Secretary shall maintain the membership list and send a notice of the Annual meeting to the members and prospective members at least ten days in advance of the Annual meeting. The Secretary will handle any correspondence of the Association not handled by other officers.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall collect and record all funds received by the Association and shall pay all bills of the Association. He/She shall give a financial report at each meeting of the Association or Board of Directors and shall give a written report at the Annual meeting. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures.

a. The Treasurer's accounts shall be examined annually at the end of the fiscal year by the Audit Committee. The Treasurer shall make available to the Audit Committee the following items:

(1) Checkbook(s)

(2) Bank statements and cancelled checks, if bank returns them.

(3) Ledger or Account Book

(4) Paid bills and statements, disbursement requests, Certificates of Deposit, etc.

b. The Treasurer shall be bonded for an amount equal to at least 125% of the Perpetual Care Fund principal at the beginning of the calendar year. Such bond will be paid for by the Association. The bond is to be filed with the Auditor of Brown County, IN and an annual fee of $5.00 paid to the Auditor by the Association. [Required by Indiana Statutes, 23-14-1-18.]

c. The Board of Directors shall be the only authority for the movement of the principal in the Perpetual Care Fund.  The signatures of at least three other Board Members, in addition to the Treasurer, shall be required to move funds in the Perpetual Care  Fund. The Treasurer is authorized to transfer 90% of the interest earned annually by the Perpetual Care Fund to the operating account. Unless specifically designated for other purposes, all  donations are to be added to the Perpetual Care Fund by the Treasurer. The Treasurer, with guidance from the Board of Directors, shall invest  the Perpetual Care Fund in long term CD's at the best rate available in Federally insured accounts. The status of the Perpetual Care Fund shall be clearly stated in the Treasurer's and Audit Committee's reports.Section 7. The Sexton shall oversee the maintenance of the cemetery and authorize payments for services rendered. At the Annual Meeting the Sexton will present a plan for the following year within the funds expected to be available, establishing priorities, etc.

Maintenance includes the following, in order, as funds are available:

a. Mowing and trimming.

b. Destroying and cleaning up detrimental plants, noxious weeds, and rank vegetation.

c. Destroying pests such as moles, etc.

d. Leveling and seeding of the ground.

When a burial takes place in wet weather, damage to the grounds is inevitable. Such damage should be repaired by relatives of the deceased within three months. If not repaired within six months the Sexton may hire the work done and bill the estate of the deceased or nearest of kin.

e. Construction and repair of fences.

f. Resetting and straightening of monuments. Whenever possible, this should be done by relatives of the deceased. The Sexton may call the need for such to their attention.

Section 8.  No officer shall receive pay for serving as an officer of the Association.

Section 9. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers and one member-at- large. At least one Board Member must be a descendant of Job Hamblen or William N. Taylor. Vacancies on the Board of Directors which occur during the year may be filled by the Board of Directors consisting of the remaining members of the Board. Such appointments shall expire at the next Annual meeting.

Article V - Standing Committees and Elections

Section 1.  Nominating Committee - The President, with the approval of Board of Directors, shall appoint a chairperson and two other members to serve as the Nominating Committee for the next Annual meeting. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by March 1 and shall report their slate of candidates by May 1 to the Board of Directors.

a. Only those who have consented to serve, if elected, shall be eligible for nomination either by the Nominating Committee or from the Floor. Nominees must agree to attend meetings of the Board of Directors, as needed, if elected.

b. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of members present at the Annual meeting.

Section 2. Audit Committee - The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, a chairperson and two other members to serve as the Audit Committee for a given year. The Audit Committee shall submit a written report to the Board of Directors within one month after the end of the Association's fiscal year.

Article VI - Fiscal Year

Section 1. The fiscal year for the Association shall be from January 1 through December 31.

Article VII - Governing Rules

Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be used in conducting meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors at the request of any member present. In such a case the President may appoint a Parliamentarian.

Article VIII - Amendments

Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting. Proposed amendments should be furnished in writing to the Secretary at least four weeks before the Annual Meeting.
